Conference Prep


Get started with the UNHCR's Background Guide on Durable Solutions for Refugees. Continue to check here for more research guides and bibliographies.

Position Papers

In preparation for the conference, you are required to research your country and topic and complete a position paper (instructions below).

POSITION PAPER DEADLINE: Monday 25th July 2022 EST (Tuesday 26th for Delegates in China)

The TPMUN Conference requires all delegates to submit Position Papers on their topics before a conference starts to demonstrate their research and knowledge. Position Papers are normally 1-2 pages per topic and should have about 4 sections. They should be written from the perspective of the government of your country and address the topic at hand - i.e., durable solutions for refugees. These papers are a way of organizing and condensing all the research you’ve done, presenting it in a clear way.

Position Paper Format


Name: [Your Name]
Committee: [Your Committee Title]

Topic: [Your Topic]

Country: [Your Country]

School: [Your School]

Position Paper Content

Topic Background

  • What is the definition of the topic?

  • Where does the topic take place?

  • Who is involved?

  • How many people does it affect?

  • Where, and in what ways?

  • Why is this topic important?

Past International Action

  • Have there been any interesting statements by UN officials on this topic? Try to find a quote.

  • What are the most important UN resolutions and treaties on this topic?

  • Do any major Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) work on this topic?

Country Policy

  • How has this topic impacted your country?

  • What has your country tried to do about this topic?

  • What types of policies would your country want the UN to adopt (or not adopt) on this topic?

Possible Solutions

  • What specific plans would your country like the UN to undertake to address this issue?

  • What specific plans would your country like Members States to undertake in their own countries?

  • Why would your ideas work? Give specific plans.

Position Paper Format:

  • 1-2 pages

  • 1.5-double spaced

  • size 12 font

  • Accepted fonts: Times, Times New Roman, Calibri, Cambria, Garamond, Arial (or similar)

Delegate Guides

Delegate Guide.docx

Delegate Guide

General details on all aspects of MUN including research, documents, parliamentary procedure, and useful vocab

Security Council Rules.docx

Security Council Guide

Further details on special rules and powers when simulating the Security Council