During the Conference

Conference Schedule

Conference Schedule

5 August
Conference Check-In (via Zoom Room A) - 10:00am-10:30am EST OR 6:30-7:00 EST

Conference Day 1 - 7:00pm-12:00 Am EST

6 August

Conference Day 2 - 7:00pm-12:00 Am EST

7 August

Conference Day 3 - 7:00pm-12:00 Am EST

The Conference will be hosted online, split between 3 Zoom rooms (Zoom GA [General Assembly]; Zoom A, Zoom B). Overall, Security Council A will meet in Zoom Room A while Security Council B will meet in Zoom Room B. Please consult the detailed schedule below for information on breaks and room assignments.

Please note: Opening and Closing ceremonies (including Guest Speaker and awards) will take place in Zoom GA

Day 1

7:00-7:30 PM: Opening Ceremony (Zoom GA)

7:30-8:00: UNHCR Guest Speaker (Zoom GA)

8:00-9:30 PM: Session 1 (Zoom A + B)

9:30-9:45 PM: Break

9:45-11:50 PM: Session 2 (Zoom A + B)

11:50-12:00 AM: Day 1 wind down; instructions for tomorrow (Zoom A + B)

The goals for Day 1 are to present your opening speeches and enter into discussion on the topic of durable solutions for the global refugee crisis. By the end of Day 1, you should have formed or have an idea of your Blocs.

© ITU / J.M Planche

Day 2

7:00-8:30 PM: Session 1 (Zoom A + B)

8:30-8:45 PM: Break

8:45-10:15 PM: Session 2 (Zoom A + B)

10:15-10:30: Break

10:30-12:00 AM: Session 3 (Zoom A+B)

The goals for Day 2 are to continue engaging in discussion about the topic and the various types of solutions you might pursue. This should be a mix of debate and negotiation through the Speaker's List, Moderated + Unmoderated Caucuses. By the end of Day 2, you should have your resolutions drafted and possibly introduced.

Day 3

7:00-9:00 PM: Session 1 (Zoom A + B)

9:00-9:15 PM: Break

9:15-11:00 PM: Session 2 (Zoom A + B)

11:00-11:30 PM: Break (Chairs deliberate on awards)

11:30-12:00 AM: Closing Ceremony and Awards Presentation (Zoom GA)

The goals for Day 3 are to finish introducing resolutions and debate them. Amendments should be offered and possibly new resolutions developed out of further discussion and old ones can be removed from discussion (at the discretion of the Sponsors). Voting procedure should occur during the final session. The day will end with an awards ceremony and closing remarks from the Chairs and the Secretary General.


For the conference, you are expected to dress formally:

  • Dress shirt or blouse

  • Blazer or sweater

  • No t-shirts or casual clothes.

Zoom Preparation

The conference will take place on Zoom. Before the conference:

  • Make sure you have the program downloaded

  • Change your Zoom name to Your Country [Your Name] - e.g. Brazil [Brian]

  • Locate an image of your country's flag and set it as your Zoom background

Check Here for Country Assignments

(Posted 5 July)

Security Council A

  1. China (Permanent) - Dora Han

  2. France (Permanent) - Susanna Li

  3. Russian Federation (Permanent) - Yaqing Li

  4. United Kingdom (Permanent) - Xiang Jiaqi

  5. United States (Permanent) - Anny Qian

  6. Albania (2023) - Owen Yuan

  7. Brazil (2023) - Rico Xie

  8. Ghana (2023) - Guangxu Zeng

  9. India (2022) - Mark Huang

  10. Iran - Ada

  11. Ireland (2022) - Jessica Wang

  12. Kenya (2022) - Yutong Hu (Miranda)

  13. Mexico (2022) - Anna Li

  14. Norway (2022) - Ava Dong

  15. United Arab Emirates (2023) - Sydney Choi

  16. Estonia - William Yang

  17. Saint Vincent & Grenadines - Diana Han

  18. Vietnam - Gordon

  19. *UNHCR Representative - Edward Du

Security Council B

  1. China (Permanent) - Noelle

  2. France (Permanent) - Chelsea

  3. Russian Federation (Permanent) - Hardy Bi

  4. United Kingdom (Permanent) - Sylvia Zhang

  5. United States (Permanent) - Meichun Yan

  6. Albania (2023) - Hashir Jaffry

  7. Brazil (2023) - Cathy Zheng

  8. Gabon (2023) - Tony Wu

  9. Ghana (2023) - Reyhan Habib

  10. India (2022) - Dorothy Du

  11. Ireland (2022) - JiaRui Fu

  12. Kenya (2022) - Richard Kang

  13. Mexico (2022) - Zhicheng Liu

  14. Norway (2022) - Ella Chi

  15. United Arab Emirates (2023) - Jiachen Qui

  16. Estonia - Sunny Sun

  17. Saint Vincent & Grenadines - William Shi

  18. Vietnam - Alyssa Lu

  19. *UNHCR Representative - Lauren Choi